Tips to rent a room in Madrid

Tips to rent a room in Madrid

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Living in Madrid

One of the main concerns of university students who move to Madrid to study is to find accommodation. The offer is wide and varied, but finding a place that fits the needs of students is not as simple a task as it may seem. Luckily, at Uniplaces we can help you rent a room in Madrid and give you some tips below to find the ideal accommodation quickly.


To find the perfect room first you have to know where to start looking. Where is your university? Would you like to live as close to the faculty as possible or do you mind living a little far away if there is good communication on public transport? Are you looking for a quiet neighborhood or an area with a young atmosphere and nightlife? They say that each person is a world, but as far as university accommodation is concerned, the vast majority of students opt for a room in one of these four neighborhoods: La Latina, Malasaña, Chamberí and Ciudad Universitaria.


When you are a student the less you spend, the better, although finding rental rooms in Madrid will be much easier if you know exactly how much you can (or are willing to) pay.


Remember that you will live in that room for many months, so try to fit exactly what you are looking for and include the elements that are fundamental for you: good light and ventilation, a spacious desk, a wardrobe, good wifi connection, private bathroom , Big bed ... You decide without what things you can not live.

Once you are clear on these three things, visit our page of rooms for rent in Madrid, indicate the neighborhood you prefer, adjust the maximum price and then filter the results according to the room characteristics you are looking for. The booking process is quick and simple and saves you having to see the room in person; But do not worry, because most properties are personally verified by Uniplaces to ensure that the facilities correspond to the images on the page.



Über die Stadt

In Madrid zu wohnen und studieren, ist ein unglaubliches Erlebnis. Madrid ist der beste Ort im Land, um alles, was die spanische Küche zu bieten hat, zu genießen, ebenso wie viele andere lokale Traditionen. Hier hat man immer etwas Neues zu tun, denn Madrid ist eine von Europas lebhaftesten Städten.

Madrid ist die Heimat eines der berühmtesten Museen der Welt - Museo del Prado. Allerdings gibt es noch viel mehr Sehenswürdigkeiten und Museen zu sehen. Wann immer du feiern möchtest, wird die Stadt dafür bereit sein! Ein Studium in Madrid geht nicht, ohne Bekanntschaft mit den stadtbekannten Tapas zu machen. Gehe nach Malasaña oder den Party barrios in der Nähe von La Latina um zu erleben, wie die Madrileño Schüler ihre Tapas und cañas genießen.

Buche dein Zimmer, Studio oder deine Wohnung in Madrid, bevor du in die Stadt umziehst! Uniplaces hilft dir dabei die perfekte Unterkunft in einer Studenten WG, einem Wohnheim oder einem normalen Haus zu mieten!