Student accommodation close to Tor Vergata

Student accommodation close to Tor Vergata

Find the perfect student room or flat close to your university!

126 Zimmer für Sie

Einbett in Mehrbettzimmer in Wohnheim results.offer.neighbourhood
Bis zu 1 Person • 31 Schlafzimmer

Einbett in Mehrbettzimmer in Wohnheim results.offer.neighbourhood

380 € /month
Einbettzimmer, mit Balkon, in 4-Schlafzimmer Wohnung results.offer.neighbourhood
Bis zu 1 Person • 7 Schlafzimmer

Einbettzimmer, mit Balkon, in 4-Schlafzimmer Wohnung results.offer.neighbourhood

From 01 Jan 2025

1.300 € /month
Doppelzimmer, mit Balkon, in 4-Schlafzimmer Wohnung results.offer.neighbourhood
Bis zu 2 Personen • 7 Schlafzimmer

Doppelzimmer, mit Balkon, in 4-Schlafzimmer Wohnung results.offer.neighbourhood

From 01 Mar 2025

1.300 € /month
Einbettzimmer in 6-Schlafzimmer Wohnung results.offer.neighbourhood
Bis zu 1 Person • 6 Schlafzimmer

Einbettzimmer in 6-Schlafzimmer Wohnung results.offer.neighbourhood

From 01 Jan 2025

395 € /month
Doppelzimmer in 5-Schlafzimmer Wohnung results.offer.neighbourhood
Bis zu 1 Person • 6 Schlafzimmer

Doppelzimmer in 5-Schlafzimmer Wohnung results.offer.neighbourhood

From 16 Jan 2025

980 € /month
Doppelzimmer in 5-Schlafzimmer Wohnung results.offer.neighbourhood
Bis zu 2 Personen • 6 Schlafzimmer

Doppelzimmer in 5-Schlafzimmer Wohnung results.offer.neighbourhood

From 16 Jan 2025

980 € /month
Einbettzimmer in 5-Schlafzimmer Wohnung results.offer.neighbourhood
Bis zu 1 Person • 6 Schlafzimmer

Einbettzimmer in 5-Schlafzimmer Wohnung results.offer.neighbourhood

From 01 Mar 2025

440 € /month
Einbettzimmer in 6-Schlafzimmer Wohnung results.offer.neighbourhood
Bis zu 1 Person • 6 Schlafzimmer

Einbettzimmer in 6-Schlafzimmer Wohnung results.offer.neighbourhood

From 02 Feb 2025

720 € /month
Einbettzimmer in 6-Schlafzimmer Wohnung results.offer.neighbourhood
Bis zu 1 Person • 6 Schlafzimmer

Einbettzimmer in 6-Schlafzimmer Wohnung results.offer.neighbourhood

From 02 Feb 2025

770 € /month
Zeig mir mehr Zimmer

Living close to Tor Vergata University


The university of Tor Vergata is the second most important university center in Rome in terms of training, and the third in number of students enrolled, after Sapienza and Roma Tre. It opened its doors during the first years of the 70's, inspired by the Anglo-Saxon model. Its campus was created in a large area on the outskirts of the Rome.

The faculties of Economics, Law, Engineering, Literature and Philosophy, Medicine and Surgery and Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences are all located in the campus, in modern buildings, although there are also older buildings, such as the famous Villa Mondragone.

Near the campus is located the Tor Vergata Clinic and the Botanic Garden, from where you can see the Calatrava Sailing, a curious reticulated structure with shark fin form that was built for the City of Sport, a project that was not completed. The university is located between Giardinetti and Romania, two residential neighborhoods very popular among students who are seeking university accommodation near Tor Vergata University.


The vast offer of accommodation available, which exceeds 1500 rooms in different university residences, makes this mainly a student area. Despite the distance from the center, the campus area is quite convenient to live in and to find student accommodation. In addition to the two neighborhoods mentioned above, two other good alternatives could be Torre Maura, well connected to the center, and Anagnina-Cinecittà.


If you find a student room or a flat in the area around Tor Vergata and close enough to the faculty to go on foot or by bike, you will not have to worry about urban transport. The nearest metro stop is Giardinetti (line C), about half an hour's walk from the campus. Somewhat further south is the Anagnina stop (line A), a further distance from the university, and from where it is convenient to take bus number 20. Those who live in Torre Maura will have the advantage of having a direct connection to Rome Termini train station.



Über die Stadt

Rom ist eine verrückte und lebendige Stadt, in der du niemals gelangweilt sein wirst. Diese Stadt hat alles für Abenteurer: einzigartige Nachbarschaften zu entdecken, Ruinen zu erkunden, Gärten und Museen zu besuchen.

Wenn du in Rom studierst, wirst du eine ganz andere Seite der Stadt kennenlernen. Statt stundenlang Schlange um das Kolosseum oder die Fontana di Trevi zu sehen, wirst du nachts mit deinen Freunden diese Plätze genießen. Trinken und sich für Stunden in diesem Lichtermeer unterhalten, sind - wie du weißt - Erinnerungen, die du nie vergessen wirst.

Wenn du Studentenunterkünfte in Rom brauchst, wir haben sie im Überfluss: Eines der Zimmer, Studios oder Wohnungen in einer Studenten WG, in einem Wohnheim oder normalen Wohnung könnte genau das Richtige für dich sein.