Berlin neighborhoods: Kreuzberg

Berlin neighborhoods: Kreuzberg

Living and studying in the heart of hipster and multicultural Berlin

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Chambre simple dans un appartement de 3 chambres results.offer.neighbourhood

From 10 Dec 2024

€759 729 € /month
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Living in Kreuzberg

There is a song called “Kreuzberger Nächte sind lang” (Kreuzberg’s nights are long) ... Those who walk through Kreuzberg nowadays will encounter a mix of Berlin’s alternative, chic and artist scene. Kreuzberg has always been one of Berlin’s most multicultural and trendy areas. As a result, rents are usually higher in Kreuzberg than in other areas of Berlin.


This is where contrasts collide: on the one hand you can live in a rather fancy area around the Bergmannskiez or the Paul-Lincke-Ufer, and on the other hand Oranienstraße and Kotti (Kottbusser Tor) serve clichés of an alternative and multicultural scene in a dreary graffiti-shaped environment.

If you are looking for green areas, then you will also find many parks in Kreuzberg, as for example the Görlitzer Park (fondly called Görli by Berliners) and the Urbanufer at the Landwehrkanal. Culinary delights can be bought at all times, but there are two specialties that Berliners like most: kebab and the famous Berliner currywurst. Apart from that, Kreuzberg offers a great number of restaurants and bars, whereby especially the Bergmannstraße invites to an evening of bar-hopping.



Thanks to Berlin’s very well-developed transportation network, it is easy to get anywhere you want from here. From Kottbusser Tor for example, you would need about 8 minutes to Alexanderplatz with the U8, about 20 minutes to the HU (U8 and bus TXL), about 28 minutes to the TU (U1 and then U2) and to the FU you need about 40 minutes (U1 and then U3).

Colleges in Kreuzberg

Macromedia College
The Macromedia College for Media and Communication confronts students with practical tasks, as many project- and program- related cooperations are offered. 

Design Academy Berlin
The Design Academy Berlin trains professional and managerial staff in the areas of communication, marketing, advertising and design.

Esmod Berlin
ESMOD Berlin is an international fashion college that offers bachelor and master programs in fashion and design. The college was founded in 1841 by Alexis Lavigne in Paris

Berlin photo


À propos de la ville

Étudier à Berlin est une véritable expérience internationale. Des étudiants du monde entier se retrouvent dans la capitale allemande et forment un environnement incroyable et multi-culturel. Et c'est en même temps le lieu idéal pour s'immerger dans la culture allemande et sa diversité locale.

Berlin est une ville vivante, vibrante, toujours dans la tendance. Berlin est aussi l'endroit idéal pour les jeunes entrepreneurs. Il s'agit après tout de la capitale européenne des start-up! Ici, les étudiants peuvent collaborer à divers projets ambitieux, en parallèle de leurs études.

Si vous venez étudier dans cette ville pleine d'énergie, vous savez que vous pouvez compter sur Uniplaces pour vous aider à trouver un logement étudiant à Berlin.