Student accommodation in Salamanca district

Student accommodation in Salamanca district

Find the perfect student accommodation for you in the heart of Madrid

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Living in Salamanca district

The so-called Barrio de Salamanca is a district of Madrid located north of the famous Calle Alcalá  and is actually made up of six neighborhoods. It houses one of the most important shopping areas and numerous luxury shops around Calle Serrano and the surrounding area. Despite being considered one of the most exclusive neighborhoods in Europe, many young people are looking for university accommodation in the Salamanca district, mainly because of its strategic location.

It has excellent public transport connections, both by metro, Cercanías (Recoletos station) and by bus. There are six metro lines with stops in the district and some of the most important are Serrano (4), Goya (2 and 4) and Diego de León (4, 5 and 6).

Living in the Barrio de Salamanca is a privilege for any student in Madrid, as much for the quality of floors and rooms as for the good connections. For example, the subway ride from Serrano to Ciudad Universitaria lasts only 25 minutes and only 18 minutes to ICAI-ICADE from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas. In addition, from Recoletos can be reached in Cercanías to the University Carlos III in little more than 30 minutes. So it is not surprising that many students choose to rent their room in this neighborhood.



À propos de la ville

Vivre à Madrid est une aventure formidable. Madrid est le lieu idéal pour déguster le meilleur de la gastronomie espagnole et découvrir pleins d'autres coutumes locales. Ici, on a toujours quelque chose à faire, Madrid étant l'une des villes les plus animées d'Europe.

Elle possède l'un des musées les plus célèbres au monde, le Museo del Prado. Il y a également beaucoup d'autres sites et musées fabuleux à visiter. Et si vous voulez faire la fête, vous aurez l'embarras du choix! On ne peut pas étudier à Madrid sans goûter aux tapas qui la rendent célèbre. Rendez vous à Malasaña ou à la Latina, deux quartiers particulièrement animés les soirs et les weekend.

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