

London - United Kingdom

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London, United Kingdom

Temple is an extremely central and ancient area of London. Part of the Historical 'City of London' (just the centre of London), Temple is home to traditional barristers courts. Not a typical residential neighbourhood, Temple is a brave but rewarding choice for a prospective London student. It's on the north bank of the River Thames just a mile or so from Big Ben. Housing in Temple is very expensive. You'll be lucky to get anything under £200 a week or higher. Much higher. The area is extremely built-up, so expect to live in old Georgian or Victorian flats or a few new riverside developments, if you can even find an affordable place. Living in Temple is extremely convenient for studying at any of London's central Universities and is a short walk from: King's Collage, LSE, The London Film School, SOAS and the University of London. The area is really well connected by either bus, foot, bicycle, or tube, from staions such as: Temple (District/Circle), Covent Garden (Piccadilly), Holborn (Piccadilly/Central) and the City Thameslink Station (National Rail).

Os vizinhos

The people who do live here are in their 20s and 30s, with the majority being White British or from the wider EU. Generally, you won't have many neighbours, as Temple is a place people commute to.

Pontos interessantes

Inner Temple and Middle Temple, are two historic and separately governing areas of The City of London (where Temple resides). Both names come from the Knights Templar.

Você vai se apaixonar por

The incredible location, views across the Thames, the fact you can walk to many of London's great universities. You just won't fall in love with the price of your rent.

O estilo de vida

Old, beautiful and frighteningly expensive. Temple is more a place to visit or work in. If you can find a flat, you'll be at London's heart with the whole city at your feet.



Sobre a cidade

Londres é uma cidade onde nunca vais ficar sem nada para fazer. A capital da Inglaterra é conhecida pelos seus famosos e icónicos marcos históricos, como o Big Ben, a catedral St. Paul, entre muitos outros. Depois há também a herança cultural da Grã-Bretanha, representada no seu melhor pela impressionante arquitetura e os seus grandes museus.

Contudo, sabemos que os estudantes também se preocupam com a vida noturna e o ambiente da cidade. A capital nunca dorme! Pubs, bares, discotecas, after parties em armazéns, o que possas imaginar: Londres tem tudo.

Quando chegar a altura de encontrares um sítio para morar em Londres, sabes que podes contar com a Uniplaces para te ajudar!