

London - United Kingdom

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London, United Kingdom

Westminster is a rather posh neighbourhood and the political centre of London. This is where you’ll find the houses of parliament, the Big Ben’s tower, many government buildings and embassies – even Buckingham Palace isn’t very far off. Early in the day and in the evening, you’ll see plenty of ministers, members of parliament and their many aides walk around. Between rush-hours, it’s mostly tourbuses and tourists seeing the neighbourhoods’ famous sights. Living in Westminster has lots of advantages: it's a really safe neighbourhood, it's very central, and there's plenty of gardens and famous landmarks to visit. It's a great neighbourhood in London, but maybe not the most studenty. Westminster is the political neighbourhood of London. This is where you’ll find the houses of parliament, the Big Ben’s tower, many government buildings and embassies – even Buckingham Palace isn’t very far off. Living in Westminster is not something many students can boast of! This is possibly London’s most suit-and-tie neighbourhood. Early in the day, you’ll see plenty of ministers, members of parliament and their many aides and helpers walk around.

Os vizinhos

Diplomats and Politicians

Pontos interessantes

Houses of Parliament

Você vai se apaixonar por

Views of the Thames!

O estilo de vida




Sobre a cidade

Londres é uma cidade onde nunca vais ficar sem nada para fazer. A capital da Inglaterra é conhecida pelos seus famosos e icónicos marcos históricos, como o Big Ben, a catedral St. Paul, entre muitos outros. Depois há também a herança cultural da Grã-Bretanha, representada no seu melhor pela impressionante arquitetura e os seus grandes museus.

Contudo, sabemos que os estudantes também se preocupam com a vida noturna e o ambiente da cidade. A capital nunca dorme! Pubs, bares, discotecas, after parties em armazéns, o que possas imaginar: Londres tem tudo.

Quando chegar a altura de encontrares um sítio para morar em Londres, sabes que podes contar com a Uniplaces para te ajudar!