

每一座英国城市都独具特色。伦敦是一座充满活力的快节奏城市。人际关系友好且消费水平较低,利兹是英国学生人数最多的城市之一。曼彻斯特拥有全英国最棒的现场音乐会和美食。诺丁汉是一个是适合派对爱好者们的小镇 - 同时也拥有一批全英国最酷的校园。 同时我们在卡迪夫、和谢菲尔德也提供舒适学生住宿房源。





£ (GBP)


  • 加的夫

  • The capital and commercial centre of Wales, but also one of the most important cities in the UK. The waterfront shows a modern vibe and is home to the Welch Senate, the Assembly and the Millennium Centre. While the centre still keeps the ancient era alive, with touristics sighs like the Cardiff Castle.

    Hometown of Roald Dahl and currently the film set of Doctor Who; it is also one of the newest capital cities in Europe and has an incredible nightlife, as well as a great music and sport scene. If you like rugby, Cardiff is definitely the place for you. The city offers plenty of programmes and universities, which makes for a great Erasmus destination.

    As a student, you are probably looking for a place near the university or/and the city centre, Uniplaces is here to help you. Head over to the website and browse and filter as much as you want so that you can find the perfect room to rent or apartment to share while your stay in the city.

  • 利兹

  • Located in the middle of Great Britain, Leeds is one of the fastest growing cities in the country. Not too small but not too big either, the perfect size to make you feel right at home. It has a lot going on for students, from events and parties to music festivals, and of course plenty of bars and discos for the exciting (even if sometimes rainy) night outs. If you want to master your english, do your Erasmus or even master’s degree, make sure to check out what Leeds has to offer.

    Its position will make travelling around the UK very easy so if you’re one of those spontaneous people that take night trains to cross the country and spends some hours in another city, Leeds is the perfect homebase to do so.

    Need a room to rent? Maybe an studio or an apartment to share? Check out the offers on Uniplaces, where you can filter your needs, requirements and many more options.

  • 伦敦

  • 伦敦是一个活动丰富到让人应接不暇的城市。这座以大本钟和圣保罗教堂为著名地标的首都城市拥有数以千计的名胜古迹和悠久的历史文化传统,美轮美奂的建筑和规模宏大的博物馆便是最好的佐证。


    想要在 伦敦寻找住宿房源, 请放心让Uniplaces为您提供帮助!

  • 曼彻斯特

  • 曼彻斯特是英格兰北部的文化中心。从鲁什尔姆的Curry Mile到英国最大的中国城,曼彻斯特是一个当之无愧的文化大熔炉。


    如果想在 曼彻斯特寻找住所, Uniplaces团队随时为您效劳!

  • 诺丁汉

  • 诺丁汉绝对是一个值得前往的求学之地,其理由数不胜数。这座城市因著名的绿林好汉罗宾汉而闻名遐迩,但让其声名远扬的远不止于此。诺丁汉是一座充满活力的城市,隔三差五就会举办国际艺术节。

    诺丁汉 丰富多彩的夜生活让人心驰神往。由于大部分场地都集中在一个区域,所以经常可以看到学生们抑或小酌几杯,抑或开怀畅饮。此外,在诺丁汉学习的另一大好处是其生活成本远低于伦敦,但却仍可以让人享受到大都市的热闹与繁华!

  • 谢菲尔德

  • A city that has left behind the steel industry and has opened the doors to urban renewal. This change has made Sheffield become a very popular for national and international students.

    Home of the oldest football club in the world, Sheffield FC, and also one of the greenest cities in the Europe. The typical british architecture, the big university campuses and the pubs of Sheffield will welcome you with arms wide open and you’ll be soon cutting the word the off of your vocabulary and using while as until, like a true local.

    But before becoming a true local, you will need a place to live. Uniplaces has offers for all requirements. Rooms to rent, apartments to share and even studios. Make sure to head over to the website to check out the offers. You can rent from your sofa at home and when you get to Sheffield for your Erasmus you will already have your accomodation booked and confirmed.