Most popular neighborhoods in Madrid

Most popular neighborhoods in Madrid

Rooms and flats for students

1031 给你的房间

双人床卧室 in 8-卧室 公寓 results.offer.neighbourhood
最多1人 • 8 卧室

双人床卧室 in 8-卧室 公寓 results.offer.neighbourhood

From 07 Sep 2024

€580 /month
双人床卧室 in 8-卧室 公寓 results.offer.neighbourhood
最多1人 • 8 卧室

双人床卧室 in 8-卧室 公寓 results.offer.neighbourhood

From 07 Sep 2024

€590 /month
双人床卧室 in 9-卧室 公寓 results.offer.neighbourhood
最多1人 • 9 卧室

双人床卧室 in 9-卧室 公寓 results.offer.neighbourhood

From 01 Oct 2024

€630 /month
Attractive single bedroom with balcony and outside area results.offer.neighbourhood
最多1人 • 14 卧室

Attractive single bedroom with balcony and outside area results.offer.neighbourhood

From 07 Sep 2024

€670 €630 /month
Great looking single bedroom in a property with balcony and outside area results.offer.neighbourhood
最多1人 • 14 卧室

Great looking single bedroom in a property with balcony and outside area results.offer.neighbourhood

From 07 Sep 2024

€625 €610 /month
Cozy single bedroom in a property with balcony and outside area results.offer.neighbourhood
最多1人 • 14 卧室

Cozy single bedroom in a property with balcony and outside area results.offer.neighbourhood

From 07 Sep 2024

€625 €585 /month
Attractive single bedroom with balcony and outside area results.offer.neighbourhood
最多1人 • 14 卧室

Attractive single bedroom with balcony and outside area results.offer.neighbourhood

From 07 Sep 2024

€630 €585 /month
单人床卧室 in 8-卧室 公寓 results.offer.neighbourhood
最多1人 • 8 卧室

单人床卧室 in 8-卧室 公寓 results.offer.neighbourhood

From 23 Jan 2025

€525 /month
单人床卧室 in 9-卧室 公寓 results.offer.neighbourhood
最多1人 • 9 卧室

单人床卧室 in 9-卧室 公寓 results.offer.neighbourhood

From 01 Feb 2025

€440 /month

The neighborhoods in Madrid where you should live

Madrid has 21 districts and 128 neighborhoods, so when it comes to choosing your apartment or room, it is important that you know what each neighborhood has to offer.

Because every student is a world, Madrid offers a lot of options: the stylish neighborhood of Salamanca, the alternative Malasaña, live near one of the largest parks (Retiro) ... Below you can see some of the most popular neighborhoods and its Situation with respect to the most popular universities of the city.

Living in Sol

Living in Malasaña

Living in Lavapiés

Living in Los Austrias

Living in La Latina

Living in Tetouan

Living in Argüelles

Living in Chueca

Living in Chamartín

Living in El Retiro

Living in Letras

Living in Arapiles

Living in Lista

Living in Gaztambique

Living in Moncloa - Aravaca

Living in Hortaleza

Living in the Barrio de Salamanca

Living near Ciudad Universitaria 

Living in Trafalgar





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