Student ResidenceEntire Places 可用的
你要去米兰吗,你想住在一个位置优越的地方吗?这个位于比科卡住宅中的超级工作室是一个不错的选择,可能正是你想要的。有了附近的地铁,你在城市里四处走动就不会有问题,你可以轻松地结交新朋友。该物业设有一间带舒适单人沙发床的卧室和一套桌子和椅子,您可以使用这些桌子和椅子来学习和用餐。还有一间浴室和一间厨房,配备了你需要的所有便利设施。 请注意,除非客人是在米兰学习的26岁以下的学生,否则前14晚的客人需要支付每晚3欧元的旅游税。 费率包括 每周清洁和更换床单 电灯和水的使用 无线互联网接入 工作日上午 8:30 至下午 7:00 接待服务 周六和节假日不提供清洁服务和床单更换服务。 价格不包括: 额外的单人床 电话和传真服务 按需洗衣服务(根据价目表) 我们公寓的照片具有代表性,仅供参考。 您可以根据空房情况选择特定的公寓。
I am a PhD student and I was looking for a quiet place near the University. It is a really great location, with a very close metro station. So access everywhere is absolutely convenient. The property has everything you need. Kitchen with a small stove, fridge and everything necessary is in the kitchen. The bathroom is really small, but for one person it is enough. You have a cleaning service at your price, and that is really convenient. I would recommend this place for those who look for something private. But of course, to have a good price, you have to book this place in advance. Look similar to on the pictures online.
Plus: the place is organized, clean and the area is really quiet. Could be improved: the heating unit turns off automatically from time to time (also during the night).