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Trasferito in gennaio 2019 · 20 a 29 anni · Laurea triennaleBecause of the unfortunate circumstances I can say the only thing I liked about my apartment were my flatmates and the location.
Trasferito in gennaio 2019 · 20 a 29 anni · Laurea triennaleThe size of the kitchen, my room and bathrooms was okay. The condition of the apartment is pretty bad. The area is nice.
Trasferito in gennaio 2019 · 20 a 29 anni · Laurea triennaleSince we moved in we had bedbugs. Unfortunately our Landlord was ignoring our calls, mails or texts most of the time. When he was answering he did not take our problem serious, he did not even believed us for 4 weeks, although we showed him a lot of pictures and videos. He even lied to us by saying he is sending us a professional company to get rid of the bedbugs but so far this did not happened. So in total it could not have been worse.